The windows of bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen of Villa B, a private residence in Lecco, are equipped with ScreenLine motorized integral blinds.
The integral blinds that charachtierized the sliding doors in the kitchen, allow to simultaneously appreciate the beauty of the Schuco windows, protect the interiors from solar gains and guarantee an excellent supply of daylight.
When the need for sun protection ceases in the evening, just raise the blinds to fully enjoy the panorama of the mountains, while thanks to the integration of the venetian in the double glazing it is possible to open the windows without any obstacles and easily access the external garden.
And to have privacy, simply lower and close completely the blinds, thus keeping prying eyes away.
Project by Mulattieri Srl (www.mulattieri.com), via Nazionale Nord 34, Colico (Lecco)
Photo credits: Daniele Domenicali
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